Gypsum mining public enquiry – News 19/9/1979, Echo 21/9/1979 and 28/9/1979
Call for second public enquiry – News 9/4/1980, 19/3/1980, 11/6/1980,20/8/1980 Echo 22/8/1980 and 7/3/1980
622.3635 British Gypsum Ltd. planning application 4/5/1979
Loughborough News 24/5/1978, Echo 6/1/1978 and 20/1/1978
B.onS. in News – Monitor 18/8/1949
Residents fight British Gypsum – Leic. Ad. 8/5/1981
B.G. press on – Lough. News 20/5/1981
Proposed Health Centre – Lough. Echo 20/1/1978, News 13/8/1980 p.1 new health centre opensand 23/11/1977
Gypsum mining – Leic. Mercury 28/2/1978
622.3635 British Gypsum B.onS. project Feb. 1979
Gypsum Mining –Residents run own bus to gypsum enquiry Leicester Advertiser 14/9/79
Gypsum Mining council considers next move in gypsum mine fight Leic Adv. 22/6/79
Gypsum debate Leic Adv. 110/3/78, 28/4/78, 7/3/80
B.on S. Health Centres – work progressing Leic Ad 21/9/79
The Beveridge House p.5 Echo 14/4/1933
Council want to preserve 17th century cottages on Melton Road Echo 2/12/83
Petition launched to safeguard Barrow’s unsafe historic home Lough. Echo p.1 27/1/84
Plans to demolish 17th century cottage in Melton Rd. p.1 Echo 3/2/1984
151 Barrow House and various lots of land situate on parishes of B. on S.
Walton and Old Dalby for sale by auctions Wed. 12/11/1884 map transferred to LRO
314 Building estate including Barrow House & grounds approx. 8 acres for sale by auction Wed. 6/12/1961 extract copy in sales catalogue cupboard original in LRO
Houses; Meadow View No. 370 transferred to LRO
Sales cat. [N.D.] Bungalow plus 27.443 acres of meadowland
175 Houses Strancliffe a freehold family residence plus all outbuildins + lands of total area of 15 acres approx. sale by auction Tues.30/7/1901 trans. To LRO
371 Pawdy Farmhouse sale cat. Jun 1974 House plus 6.05 acres map (see also BoS farms; Pawdy farms
Housing building dev. Lough. P.5 Monitor & Herald 12/8/1926
Housing Grays Court Echo 21/9/79 p. 6 (Repair Bill) News 19/9/79 £half million for repair of flats
Grays Court
1. Loughborough News 28/12/77 p.2 collapse of part of building
2.L. News 25/1/78 p.3
3. Echo 20/1/78 p.10 +16
4. Echo p.1 17/2/78
5. Echo 11/8/78 p.16 collapse due to old lime workings
British Gypsum seeks permission to sink mine Lough. News 28/12/77 p.2 + 18/1/78 p.1, Mercury 13/2/78 p.9, Advertiser 17/2/78 p.3, Echo 3/3/78 p.4, Soar Valley News No. 22 p 1-3 April 1978, Loughborough News 27/9/78 p.6, 4/10/78 p.10, 11/10/78 p.12 traffic fears, Echo 13/10/78 p.29, News 2/8/78 p.1 house prices affected
Humphrey Babington House pamphlet box L362.615
Industries – protest by local people over proposal to turn Cotes Road Infants School into factory premises Loughborough Echo 2/7/82 p.1
British Gypsum Planning Application News 16/1/85 p.1 public meeting(photo) News 30/1/85 p.20
Development of Mill Lane amenity area Loughborough Echo 16/9/83 p.10
Libraries: 1. Monitor 22/11/68 p.9 interior photo
2. Monitor 14/3/75 p.15 opening plans cut
3. Echo 8/9/72 p.7 story times
4. Echo 18/6/71 p. 17 children’s library club
Library Grace Hallworth, writer visits library as part of Reading Tree Scheme Lough. Echo 29/7/1983 p.8
Barrow UDC new computer at Rothley offices L. Echo 1/7/66 p.5
Local Plan C.B.C. planning Dept. Bon S local plans 2 vols Report of Survey and Draft written statement 1983 Location L/711.4
Refers to maps in Map Drawers :
Barrow upon Soar maps O.S. 25”:mile 1st edition 1884 showing B.on S. 2nd drawer
O.S. map SK 51NE:1955 Map of Walton on the Wolds, Quorn, Barrow on Soar areas 6”:mile Maps cabinet Leics small scale
O.S. Map SK51NE 1973 B.onS., Quorn, Walton on the Wolds area 1973 1:10,000 drawer Leic 20 A:M
O.S. SK5617 – 5717 1971 map of B.onS. and surrounding area. Levelled 1948,1965,1966, Boundaries 1971 drawer Leics 20 A – M
O.S. SK 5618 – 5718 1970 Map of B.onS Cotes Road area levelled 1965-66, boundaries 1970 1:2500 map drawer Leic. 20 A-M
O.S. SK 5816 & SK 5916 1966 map of B.onS Sileby Road Area levelled 1965, revised 1966 1:2500 map drawer Leics 20 A-M 2 copies
O.S. SK5817 & 5917 1966 map of B.onS. eastern edge & surrounding area levelled 1965 revised 1966 1:2500 map drawer Leic A-M 2 copies
This is your church B.onS. Methodist church typescript 1978 (pamphlet box L287
Brief History of Mill - Barrow Voice No.7 Feb. 1984 p.7 + photo
British Gypsum plans for plasterboard manufacture plant Lough. Echo 9/3/84 p.3
Barrow Baptist Church 1978-
Barrow Voice 1975-
Barrow Outlook 1976
shelved in box files
Old forge L. Echo 1/8/69 p.7
Old People’s Beveridge Club – Monitor 27/7/62 p. 20 Beveridge Club to buy Adult School
On a fossil fish from Barrow by Montague Browne Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society 1888 - L567 Pamphlet box
Official Guide to the Parish, Croydon Home Publishing Co., n.d. 24 p illus. L. Barr pamphlet
Extract from Leic Parish Registers – Marriages, Vol V11 pp 93-138 W. Phillimore & H. Harhopp pamphlets L/929.3
War memoirs sold for film rights Charles McCormac L. Monitor 13/5/66
Rev. H. Perkins Leic Arch.& Hist. Soc. Transactions Vol. L11 1976/77 pp 46-52 shelved with periodicals back files
BOSCAPS barrow holiday play scheme from July31st – August 11 1978 at Humphrey Perkins shelved with pamphlets at L372.216
Proctors Pleasure Park plans Monitor13/4/56 p.1, 23
Village portrait BonS Leic Advertiser 29/5/81
Photo Crown Inn c 1980 in cabinet 1
B. on S. Official Guides boxfile Bar L914.254
Article on Hammer and Pincers Lough. News p.5 23.180
Portrait of The Lime Kiln pub. Lough. News 24/6/1981 p.5
The Navigation Inn Sketch L. Echo p.12 16/1/70
Portrait of Riverside Inn Lough. News p.5 7/10/1984
Portrait of Soar Bridge Inn Lough. News 6/5/81 p.4
Portrait of Three Crowns Lough. News 1/4/1984 p.4
Sketch of Three Crowns Echo p.9 27/4/63
Quarry firm to improve railhead Leic Advert. 14/9/79
Railway Station closure L. Echo p.11 25/8/67, p.18 8/9/67
B.onS. RDC Official Guide 1964? Box file A 914.254(BAR)
“ “ “ “ 1970 same ref.
“ “ Dudley Court, Sileby typescript of booklet produced for opening pamphlet box L362.6
B.on S. RDC Official Guide – Gloucester, British Publishing Co. 1957 41p. illus. L914.254(BAR)
B. on S. RDC New offices open at the Grange, Rothley Monitor 16/5/52 p.3
Spotlight on B.on S. RDC: heart of England article taken from Rural District Review L 352.0454
B. on S. RDC new offices Echo 11/9/1936 p.5
B. on S. RDC photo c1950 in cabinet 1
Sale catalogues Nos 14,183, 338, 116 transferred to LRO
Sketch of Infant School Echo 5/9/58 p.7
Sketch of cottages on North St./Nottingham Road corner Lough. Echo 7/5/65 p.9
Sketch of Falstaff House p. 11 Echo 23/9/66
Print of B. on S. Mill in large photo cabinet
C. of E. School’s centenary Echo 29/5/59 p.5
“ “ “ “ sketch Echo 27/3/59 p.7
“ “ “ “ centenary Monitor 29/5/59 p.20
B. on S. C. of E. School picture of pupils in 1931 Lough. News 7/1/81 p.15
Barrow Grammar School Lough. Monitor & News 5/6/1902 p.7
“ “ “ new buildings L. Monitor & News 5/6/1902 p.7, 25/12/1913 p.3
Protest by locals to turn Cotes Road Infants into factory L. Echo 2/7/1982 p.1
Hall Orchard Garden of Remembrance for former Head Eric Barker Echo 8/10/1982 p.7
Hall Orchard brief history B.V. Vol. 3 No. 2
Humphrey Perkins opening of Library Echo 1/12/1939 p.5
Humphrey Perkins new assembly hall Echo 21/10/32 p.3, 30/3/34 p.7
History of H.P. School 1965 Bernard Elliott L 373
New swimming pool at H.P. Monitor 20/4/62 p.10
Leicestershire Plan means 3rd Year students now go to Rawlings, Quorn L. Echo p.11 8/12/67
Humphrey Perkins Echo 28/2/58 p.3, 7/3/58 p.7 opening new block
“ “ Monitor 1/2/63 p.10 early history
“ “ “ 11/2/55 p.17 Coronation Statue
“ “ Sketch Echo 14/2/58 p.7
“ “ Scheme for management and regulation of the charity and the application of income thereof, settled by Court of Chancery and to be carried into effect by order dated 6th Nov. 1857 L373 glass case
Humphrey Perkins new building opened Lough. Monitor & Herald 20/10/32 p.12
This is your Village B.on S. Boy Scouts pamphlet box L914.254 Bar
B. on S. Scouts open new H.Q. Monitor 11/5/56 p.15
B. on S. shops illustration L. Echo 30/3/70 p.12
Barrow Cricket Club Echo 18/5/34 p.7
Barrow Rising star football club Echo 18/1/35 p 10
Beveridge St. Echo 4/8/78 p.20
Church St. sketch L.Echo 4/8/78 p.8
B. on S. to have electric street lighting Monitor 1/2/55 p.13
Sketch of houses in North St. L. Echo 20/8/65 p.9
Sun shines on twinning visit B.V. No. 84 summer 2001 p.4
New water supply - Lough. Herald and N.W. Leics Gazette 4/6/1891 p.7
Watermill – illustrations L. Echo 15/5/70 p.12, 9/1/70 p.12
View Cooke p.9
My Diary for 1940 – Tom Rennocks B.V. No. 79 Spring 2000 p.18 & 22