Memories of Local Residents
(*Collected during the Farms Exhibition held in September 2015)
Memories of D Cave
Mr and Mrs. Bird from Cream Lodge Farm used to bring their car to Don Mitchell’s garage in High Street. I worked there as book keeper and shop assistant. Mrs Bird supplied Don and myself with eggs and cheese which she brought us every week. I remember her taking her daughter on holiday to the seaside, the first holiday her daughter had been on and she was aged 16.
Memories of Gillian Flinders
Holmes Farm, Flinder’s Farm (Walton Holmes Farm)
This farm is situated at the bottom of Cotes Rd on the left hand side down a long lane.
It was farmed in the early 1920’s by Mr Flinders, my husband’s granddad. He had two daughters and two sons, Ernest my husband‘s dad and Leonard.
When Granddad Flinders died, Leonard took it over with his wife Florrie, they had a daughter Josie. Josie married Arthur Kimber so when Leonard died Josie and Arthur took the farm over. Josie had a son Lenny (who married Vanessa Perry). Josie died and Lenny now runs the farm with help from Arthur Kimber. Sadly Vanessa died last year
Memories of Beryl Harriman
Askews; up Nottingham Rd. Stood back from the road.
Whittles: end of Holly Bush-Church St, where the old people’s bungalows are and the barns were where the top of Highfields starts, this was late 1940’s. I don’t know when it started. I think there was a name before it became Whittle’s.
Harvey’s: Cotes Rd
Kimber’s: North St, where Beaumont Rd is.
2 small farms in Cotes Rd: Arthur & Alfie Kimber
Another small farm in Cotes Rd: Sanders
Brook Lane: Iliffe’s small farm in the 1930’s. I don’t know when it started, I was born in 1936. It was down Brooke Lane right towards the bottom.
3 small farms up Paudy lane: Jack Bird, Jim Bird, Joe Bird
Another small farm just up Paudy Lane: Jack Briggs
Tythe Farm: Pepper’s Nottingham Rd
Heap’s farm: right down Mill Lane opposite hand gate leading to Mountsorrel
Barker’s farm Paudy crossroads (children came to Barrow school)
Ernie Lockwood, Aideen’s dad, had a few cows he used to run up and down the street by our cottage. But I don’t know if he had a farm.