Discovering the history of Barrow Upon Soar......

026. John & Anne Beaumont

Location:  Vicar's Vestry South Aisle Wall


                                                John Beaumont d.1779        

                                                Anne Beaumont d.1805

                                                Anne Green Beaumont d.1795

                                                Elizabeth Beaumont d. 1809

  1. A rectangular inscription tablet/plaque of marble on a slate background situated in a high position on the west wall of the rector’s vestry. Engraved in V cut Roman capitals. The tablet is framed on either side by fluting, above is a closed urn draped with a cloth, below is a carving depicting a gathered frill culminating in a down facing flower. .
  2.  Limestone.
  3. First quarter 19th century
  4.  H.152 cm x W.91cm x D.1cm
  5.  -
  6.  -
  7. John Beaumont was born in 1737, the son of John Beaumont the Elder and Elizabeth. His father was a yeoman who owned the freehold on substantial areas of land in Barrow upon Soar; when he died in 1779 he left a detailed will leaving the land divided among his children. John however had already been given land when he married Ann Green.
    John and Ann had at least five children, all daughters, christened in Holy Trinity: Ann christened on 19th Feb 1765, and Elizabeth christened on 17th June 1766, presumably both died young because they are not the daughters on the memorial. The three daughters on the memorial are: Ann Green Beaumont named after her mother and christened 21st June 1778, Elizabeth Lucretia Beaumont christened 15th August 1776 and Mary Beaumont christened 27th January 1768. Mary married George Watkinson, a gentleman and grazier, in Holy Trinity on 23rd May 1791. She was responsible for the memorial which was put up some time after 1809 in memory of her parents and sisters. In his will written on 15th June 1780 John Beaumont left everything to his dear wife Ann with instructions to sell any part of his estate to pay all his debts and funeral expenses. After her death his estate would go to his daughters.
    However his daughter Ann Green Beaumont died in 1795 aged 17 so John wrote a codicil shortly before his death. In his codicil he refers to his daughter Ann” who departed this life without issue and my youngest daughter Elizabeth Beaumont frequently labours under a weakness of intellect”. He makes provision for Elizabeth to be the responsibility of George Watkinson of Woodhouse, his son in law, and Nathaniel Bramley, his brother in law. If Elizabeth dies childless or marries without the consent of George and Nathaniel, her inheritance goes to Mary her sister. Probate was granted to John’s wife Ann on 1st March 1798 and she swore that goods, chattels and credits do not amount to the sum of five thousand pounds. Elizabeth Beaumont did not marry and died in 1809 aged 33 years.( Ref a) (Ref b).
  8. -
  9. Date of gift ,possibly 1809 by Mary Beaumont
  10. Near this place are deposited/the Remains of JOHN BEAUMONT, Gent/who died Sept. 9th 1797, in the 61st YEAR OF HIS Age/ of ANNE his wife/who died May 21st 1805, in the 70th Year of her Age/And of/Anne and ELIZABETH their Daughters:/ANNE GREEN BEAUMONT/died July 18th 1795, Aged 17 Years, /and ELIZABETH BEAUMONT/died Sepr. 12th 1809, Aged 33 Years./In faithful and affectionate memory of their Virtues/this Monument is inscribed by MARY, the sole surviving Daughter/of JOHN and ANNE BEAUMONT
  11. (Ref a): Lynne Brookes op.cit (ref b) Will of John Beaumont LRCRO


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Last Updated. 15-April-2019 By admin