Discovering the history of Barrow Upon Soar......

010. Wall Tablet - Martha Utber buried Oct. 30th 1761

Location:  South Transept West Wall


  1. This monument is surmounted by a funeral garland, this was noted by John Nichols but is not now clearly recognisable. (Ref a) The memorial has a scrolled pediment with a demi man,on gadrooning, in complete armour, holding a truncheon in his right hand.
    Below this in the centre is the Coat of Arms: Gules, on two bars Or, four torteauxes, Utber; impaling, Barry of fix, Argent and Sable, a canton Ermine, Marshall. (ref b) At either end are Corinthian columns with fluting at the base. 
    The central figure is of a lady, kneeling at a desk, with a book, on which is written, Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.  She is enclosed in a roman arch with a keystone at the top and two raised rectangles on either side.
    Beneath is a rectangular slab block which is inscribed. This stands on a concave ridge.
    There are patterned brackets at either end; an apron unites them: this has an elaborate leaf design with a semi circle enclosing a leaf. This sits on a fluted base with a twisted circle below.
  2.  Limestone
  3. Last quarter 18TH century
  4. H 1.172cms plus 53 cms bottom section and approximately the same top section, W. 138 cms
  5. -
  6.  -
  7. Mrs Utber lived about 20 years after erecting this monument; and on her coffin her age was said to be 99: but it was generally thought she was still older. The family of Utber, otherwise Utker, were of the city of Norwich, and of Hoo in NorfoIk.. A considerable number of entries of the family of Marshall may be found in the Barrow Registers, (Ref a)
    Martha Utber left an engraved silver cup to the church for use at Communion.(ref d)
    Thomas Utber, gent, was buried at Tacolneston, pronounced Tacklestun, in 1722 in his 72nd year, the Utber arms impaling Marshall. ( ref c)
  8. Martha Utber had her memorial installed in 1745, some years before she died.
9."In a vault at the foot of this monument lies interred (together with her only daughter)/ the body of Martha Utber, relict of Thomas Utber,/ late of the city of Norwich, gent.! and fourth daughter of John Marshall/ of Barrow, gent. by. Margaret his wife, whose family/ came into England with William the Conqueror, being a younger branch of that William Marshall/ whose original was French and was distinguished with honours/agreeable to his martial merit with the Conqueror.! As the family of the Utbers, as well as ofthe Marshalls, is very ancient and are now both extinct in the male line;/ Mrs Martha Utber has erected this monument,/ to shew a pious gratitude to them both,/ and to perpetuate their memory, 1745"}
10. (ref a).The History and Antiquities of the County of Leicestershire, Volume 3,  Part l by John Nichols
(ref b).Arms of Utber and Marshall- Figure 17 Plate 2 opposite page 25 in John  Throsby's Views in Leicestershire Volume 2 (in Loughborough  Local studies Library)
(ref c) Teave's Funeral Monuments iii page 380
(ref d) Martha Utber's Will dated 1761 Ref. PRIT/1762/257 is in the LL&R Record  Office


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Last Updated. 15-April-2019 By admin