Discovering the history of Barrow Upon Soar......

8. 1920 - 1923

At a special Church Meeting held on 8 April 1920, Rev G E Payne presiding, the officers recommended to the church to invite Rev W Lonsdale to be Pastor. The result of the voting declared 18 in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention. The Secretary, Mr H York also reported that nine members had sent word that they were in favour, but unable to be present. As a result, moved by Geo Frier, and seconded by Mr Earl the Church invited Rev W Lonsdale for three years under the rules of the Sustentation Fund (Home Mission Fund). At the same meeting it was passed that Rev Lonsdale preach at Sileby Baptist Church one Sunday evening each month and one weekday afternoon and evening for -visiting and meeting each week. He was to live in the manse rent free, but had to pay rates.

A month following, on 11 May 1920 the Sileby church accepted the kind offer of our Church and were to contribute £10 per year to the Barrow church.

A Recognition Service was arranged for Tuesday 20 July of the same year. Dr Dakin to preach at 3.30 pm, tea at 5 pm price 9d Evening meeting at 6.30 pm. Chairman Rev G E Payne. Speakers Dr Dakin, Rev S Handford, Rev Weaver, Rev Richardson, Mr T Cook and if possible the vicar Rev Tom Stone.

These years report difficulty in finance: the Manse fund in 1921 was still owing the bank £257 12s 3d, but the Sunday School reported a healthy bank balance of £62 in hand, with 18 teachers, 58 boys and 95 girls.

A suggested Boys' Welcome Home from the 1914-18 war: A brass tablet memorial to the 7 boys who fell during the war, with the names: Bertram Hubbard, Herbert Cox, Harold Lovett, Thomas Chapman, Albert Lockwood, Frank Newby, Cecil T Hill was placed.

At the first Annual General Meeting held on 2 February 1921 Mr Lonsdale in his first report addressed as follows: 'He reminded all present of their duty of supporting thechurch, firstly in attendance and secondly in giving. In attendance at the Communion Service, which he felt should be the most sacred and most vital service of the church, and secondly the attendance at the Sunday morning service, especially emphasising the need of being in time for the commencement.'

Finances - weekly offering envelopes made a beginning, but in these years the Sunday School did not agree to united finances with the Church. At different times special offerings were taken for St Dunstans, Leicester Royal Infirmary and the Nursing Fund.

During Rev Lonsdale's pastorate, membership increased by transfer, testimony and baptism. and there were dedication of infants.

It was on Wednesday 27 September 1922 that the re-invitation of Rev Lonsdale as Pastor of Barrow, including Sileby, could not be recommended under the present conditions, and so at a Special Church Meeting held on 11 July 1923 the announcement was made that Mr Lonsdale was to move to Brampton, and a Communion Service was arranged to mark his last Sunday's ministry.

During his three years, the Church celebrated 100 years on Easter Sunday and Monday in the year 1922. Following is a report from an old Church magazine ... when 50 window bills and 50 circulars plus 2 adverts in the Loughborough Echo were ordered.


'On Easter Sunday and Monday the Church observed its Centenary, and most successful and inspiring services were held. Our friend, the Rev G E Payne, the late Pastor of Quorn now of Neatishead, near Norwich preached on the Sunday, and Dr Chas Brown of Ferine Park, London preached on Monday afternoon. Mr Payne took as his text on Sunday morning 1 Chronicles 29:15 'For we are strangers before thee, and sojourners, as all our fathers were,' and expounded his text with special and appropriate reference to the Centenary. In the afternoon, a service of song, entitled 'Easter Light', was rendered by the choir, and was greatly appreciated. Mr Payne gave the connective readings.

On Easter Monday, the Church was packed for the afternoon service, Dr Chas Brown preaching. A record number gathered for tea, and the evening meeting was equally as good. Mr G T Levers presided. Our Pastor gave a brief statement of the beginning of the cause, a hundred years ago, and inspiring addresses were delivered by Rev R F Handford, Dr Brown and Rev G E Payne. The total proceeds for the Centenary services were about £25.'

After Rev Lonsdale had left, the Manse was sold .... 'THE MANSE', Mill Lane, Barrow on Soar. Sold for £750.


By Order of the Trustees with the Sanction of the Charity Commissioners.

" THE MANSE," MILL LANE, BARROW-ON-SOAR (Three miles from Loughborough).

A VERY Desirable and Pleasantly-situated


-MILL LANE, Barrow-on-Soar, standing back from the road and enclosed by a granite stone wall and standing on an Area of approximately 390 SQUARE YARDS.

VACANT POSSESSION ON COMPLETION. The VILLA contains Side Hall Entrance, Drawing and Dining Rooms. Large Living Room with cooking range, sink 'with hot and cold water over. Capital Dairy, Three good Bedrooms, Box Room or wardrobe Closet, Bathroom with bath, Lavatory basin, hot and cold water. The Gas Fittings are included.

Together with outside Wash-house with soft and town water, copper and sink, Coal House and W.C. Also extensive GARDEN, well-stocked with top and bottom Fruit Trees, having a depth of 174 Feet, extending to the banks of the River Soar and Canal.

The Villa is five minutes walk from the L.M. and S. Railway Station, has a Frontage to the Mill-lane of 45 Feet, is charmingly situated and forms a most desirable property for one's own occupation or as an investment.

The above will be



At the Baptist School Rooms, Beveridge-street,


On Wednesday, November 14th. At Seven o'clock precisely, subject to Conditions of Sale 10 be then and there declared. Permits to view, and further particulars may be obtained of the Auctioneers, 33 Cattle Market. Loughborough (Telephone 574). Mr. York. Station Master. Barrow-on-Soar, or of .Messrs. J. and A. BRIGHT,

Solicitors, 1 Pepper-street, Nottingham.


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Next page: 9. 1923 - 1926

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